
Variety is pretty much a way of life around here: We go from big to small, local to national, public to private, but always keep it person-to-person – we just haven’t found a better way of building business than through building relationships. So get to know a little of our work, and then let’s get to know one another.


USACE Tulsa District

Convert B3162 to General Instruction Facility

This 21,355 sq. ft. project facilitates the move of the Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Academy and the Joint C-UAS Academy to Fort Sill, a critical strategy for the joint C-UAS Training Academy Program. Project ScopeThe new facility includes classroom spaces...


USACE Tulsa District

Repair Dormitory B776

Building 776 is a 195,000 sq. ft. three-story dormitory facility located at Sheppard AFB. This facility is generally two separate dormitory structures connected by a common area facility that houses...


USACE Omaha District

B430 HVAC Replacement

The B430 HVAC Replacement project focuses on replacing non-functional HVAC equipment and addressing airflow and balancing issues to enhance the functionality and efficiency of Building 430, a 41,000-square-foot facility with critical 24/7 operations. Key improvements include replacing all supply fans...


USACE Tulsa District

Air Handling Unit Coil Replacements

This project involved the replacement of the damaged air handling unit coils in Building 2280, Building 3001, and Building 3221. Damaged preheat steam coils in two AHUs in Hangar Building...



Renovation of Building 171

Guernsey provided complete architectural, interior, and engineering design services for the interior remodel of approximately 452,000 square feet of existing administrative space at the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC)...


USACE Tulsa District

KC-46A Bureau of Reclamation Waterline Relocation

This project at Tinker Air Force Base demonstrates complex horizontal design capabilities at an active military base requiring extensive coordination between two federal agencies (USACE and Bureau of Reclamation). The...


U.S. Army

Net Zero Energy Building Design Prototypes for a Remote U.S. Army Installation: Kwajalein Atoll

Guernsey Architecture & Energy Efficiency Project Overview Buildings are significant contributors to energy consumption and environmental impact, responsible for approximately 76% of the electrical energy usage in the United States...


City of Moore

Envision Moore Comprehensive Plan

Moore has experienced exceptional growth over the past two decades. Moore's location, just south of Oklahoma City, provides easy access to many amenities, a top-notch education system, a family-friendly environment...


City of Oklahoma City / MAPS 4

MAPS 4 Beautification Master Plan

In June of 2022, Guernsey was selected by the City of Oklahoma City and MAPS 4 to develop a citywide Beautification Master Plan. Driven by a robust and inclusive public...


City of Guymon

Guymon Downtown Conceptual Design Plan

Building off the Guymon DesignWorks study completed by the OU Institute for Quality Communities, Guernsey was selected by the City of Guymon to design and plan comprehensive improvements to its...


City of Chickasha

Onward Chickasha Comprehensive Plan

In June of 2022, the City of Chickasha selected Guernsey to develop a new Comprehensive Plan that better reflects current and future Chickasha. In order to address the changing needs...


Office of the Assistant Chief...

Redstone Arsenal Energy Security and Resiliency Reconnaissance Study

Guernsey was tasked with performing a preliminary assessment of the electric and thermal energy systems, loads, and energy resources at the Arsenal. The study identifies the best cost-effective projects required...


Department of the Army

West Point Facility Heating Alternatives Assessment

Guernsey performed a 40-year life cycle cost analysis for facility heating alternatives for all the United States Military Academy (USMA) facilities in West Point, NY. The study identified the most...


US Army Engineering and...

Fort Carson Energy Security and Resiliency Assessment

Guernsey performed an energy security and resiliency (ESR) assessment of the electrical energy systems, loads, and energy resources of all the mission-critical facilities at Fort Carson. The study identified the...


University of Alabama

University of Alabama Utility System Assessment and Cost of Service Study

The University of Alabama (UA) selected Guernsey to complete a utility system assessment and a cost of service study for its Tuscaloosa campus. The goal of the utility system assessment...


U.S. Army Space & Missile...

Guernsey's Energy Alternatives Study for U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command

The U.S. Army was tasked with aligning the operations on Kwajalein Atoll with the Army Climate Strategy, aiming to achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030. The Atoll's remote location...


Hawaii Community Development...

Kalaeloa Safe and Reliable Energy Infrastructure (SREI) Study

The Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA), State of Hawaii, selected Guernsey to provide technical and economic consulting services. HCDA required engineering, financial, and regulatory support to prepare a Preliminary Feasibility...


CDM Smith

Multiple Naval Base Utility Infrastructure and Condition Assessments

Guernsey's subject matter experts, with more than 50 years of combined experience in the production and distribution of utilities, assisted the Navy in the inventory and assessment of existing government...


US Army Engineering and...

Fort Campbell Energy Security and Resiliency Assessment

Guernsey performed an energy security and resiliency (ESR) assessment of the electrical energy systems, loads, and energy resources of all the mission-critical facilities at Fort Campbell. The study identified the...


Office of the Assistant Chief...

Watervliet Arsenal Energy Security and Resiliency Reconnaissance Study

Guernsey assessed the electric, water, and thermal utility systems, loads, and energy resources at the Arsenal. The study identifies the best life-cycle cost-effective projects required by the utility systems to...


City of Newcastle

Newcastle Animal Shelter

In the rapidly expanding city of Newcastle, balancing growth with budgetary considerations is a pressing challenge. With this context, our architectural vision has materialized in the design of an advanced...


Dress for Success

Dress for Success

In 2020, Dress for Success Oklahoma City faced a devastating setback when a fire destroyed their facility. Guernsey, a prominent firm known for its commitment to community service, stepped in...


Oklahoma Department of...

SH-39 Roadway Design: Widen, Resurface and Bridge

The project is located on SH-39, beginning approximately 6.5 miles east of the Cleveland County Line and extending east 6.4 miles to US-177 in Asher, Pottawatomie County. The project includes...


Oklahoma Department of...

SH-54 Roadway Design: Widen and Resurface

The primary purpose of this project is to widen and overlay two lanes on the existing alignment, add shoulders, and extend cross-drain structures on SH-54, beginning approximately 11.8 miles north...


Oklahoma Department of...

SH-7 Roadway Design: Bridge and Approaches over Pecan Creek

The primary purpose of this project is to replace the existing span structure with a Reinforced Concrete Box (R.C.B.) and add approach roadway. We performed a hydraulic report to determine...


Tinker Air Force Base

Rotor Shop Renovation

This project renovated the existing NDI Shop located in Building 3001 at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City. The design provided new rinse booths, renovated the existing drying oven...


City of Oklahoma...

Capitol Hill Library

Guernsey served as the Architect of Record for the complete renovation and expansion of the Capitol Hill Library. The site was redesigned and the entrance was relocated to provide improved...



Boeing Global Services HQ Tenant Build-Out

The design team worked on a fast track schedule to design this 20,000-square-foot office space in under eight weeks in two phases. Construction was also currently fast tracked to be...


Central Texas Electric...

Central Texas Electric Cooperative

In Fredericksburg, CTEC established a new Operations and Maintenance building on a ten-acre site adjacent to their headquarters building. The new buildings relocated their linemen, dispatch, and mechanics from temporary...


City of Enid

Water System Master Plan

The City of Enid (City) supplies potable water to its citizens via groundwater pumped from aquifer systems located to the west and southwest of the City. Concerns over long-term capacity and sustainability of the current well fields, treatment processes, and...


Oklahoma Department of...

Statewide Bridge Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation consisted of the following: Re-deckingRehabilitation and overlaysBridge paintingExpansion joint repair and/or replacementStructural steel repair and/or replacement including beams, shoes, bearings, pads, rockers, etc.Bridge rail and guard rail repair and/or replacement along with other safety appurtenances and approach slab work...


City of Edmond, OK

Transportation Master Plan

Guernsey along with teaming partner, Wilbur Smith Associates (WSA) out of Houston, TX was selected to develop a Master Transportation Plan for the City of Edmond (City). The plan involved recommended transportation improvements needed to accommodate travel demands through the...


City of Edmond

Land Use Plan Update

The City of Edmond (City) contracted with Wilbur Smith Associates (WSA) along with Guernsey, and Howard Fairbairn Site Design to provide professional planning services to assist the City with the preparation of an updated Edmond Plan. Edmond is a community...


McAfee & Taft Attorneys at Law

Environmental Oversight & Investigations

Guernsey was contacted to be their environmental consultant and oversee all environmental investigations to be conducted at each facility. Guernsey was also asked to review environmental records associated with previous known impacts to the soil and groundwater by an adjoining...



Engineering Study, Evaluation and Report

Our client operates and maintains two power generating stations that use water from man-made reservoirs as the source for the plant cooling water. One Generating Station (Plant) operates a 23,000 acre-ft. man-made lake. The Plant has three gas-fired, 500-MW units...



Facility Site Characterization

Guernsey was selected by a law firm to support Gibson regarding regulatory compliance issues that could become criminal charges. Guernsey prepared an Assessment Work Plan for Gibson and submitted it to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ). Guernsey performed...


Wyoming Water Development...

Water Master Plan Study

Guernsey performed a Level I Water Master Plan Study for the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC). This master plan study addressed inventorying system components and conditions, performing hydraulic modeling of the system, analyzing system adequacy to meet current and future...


PFM Group

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments

Guernsey visited and evaluated 33 sites. An Independent Engineers Report (IER) was developed by Guernsey. An Environmental and Regulatory Summary based on existing permits and approvals, the limitations and requirements they place on operations and a general assessment of each...


Oklahoma Water Resources Board

Reservoir Viability Study/Evaluation

Guernsey identified all the significant historic undeveloped reservoir sites in Oklahoma (125 sites), reviewed existing information, performed a “Fatal Flaws” analysis to efficiently eliminate unsuitable candidates, and categorized the desirability of the remaining options. A total of 125 reservoir sites...


Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation...

Facilities Assessment and Historic Preservation Master Plan

The assessment determined each facility’s renovation needs, developed an estimated construction cost for the recommended items in each facility, and prioritized the recommended renovations based on the funds available. Facilities assessed included log cabins and dining facilities. These structures are...


Office of Management and...

Environmental IDIQ Program

Guernsey is provided professional consultant services under an IDIQ contract for the State of Oklahoma acting through the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES). Services were assigned on a project-by-project basis by the Owner. A specific task was developed...


Oklahoma Military Department

IDIQ Contract for On-Call Services

Guernsey provided professional environmental consultant services under two Architectural and Engineering IDIQ contracts. The work was assigned on a project-by-project basis. There were approximately 37 environmental task orders performed under these contracts. Services included: Environmental Site Assessments and Impact Statements...


Oklahoma Department of...

General Environmental Services

Guernsey performed general environmental engineering services to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. ODOT issued Task Orders on a per-project needed basis. These services included the following: corridor-wide initial site assessments (Corridor ISA’s); parcel-specific initial site assessment (Parcel ISA’s); subsurface site...


Oklahoma Water Resources Board

Water Conveyance Evaluation of Alternatives for Oklahoma

Guernsey performed a study that considered three route alignments and conceptual design for alternative interconnected system routes for the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The goal was to present viable options for potential water transfer from Lake Texoma, Eufaula Lake/Arkansas River...


Oklahoma County

Storm Water Regulations Development

Oklahoma County prepared and submitted a procedure to assure compliance with the existing Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) for approval. Guernsey assisted the County Planner in the developing the procedure by employing...


Oklahoma Department of...

Environmental Clearances for Local Government & County Improvements to Roads & Bridges

Most of these clearances are addressed as categorical exclusions (CATEXs) and involve requirements for technical and field activities including biological reviews, wetlands investigations, cultural resources reconnaissance studies, and agency/tribal interface. On non-federally funded environmental clearances, Guernsey works directly with the...


Central Oklahoma Water...

Brackish Groundwater Desalination Evaluation

The Central Oklahoma Water Resources Authority (COWRA) selected Guernsey to provide a Phase I evaluation to identify brackish groundwater opportunities and review the desalination treatment requirements. The overall goal was to perform a feasibility study to determine if there is...


Oklahoma County

Oklahoma County Jail Groundwater Investigations

Guernsey performed initial groundwater investigations and quarterly sampling for the Oklahoma County Jail. This investigation and sampling were required because sewer lines under the County Jail were corroded, which allowed sewage, including kitchen waste, to seep into the groundwater regime...


Oklahoma Department of...

Environmental Clearances for County Improvements to Roads & Bridges

Guernsey conducts National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearances to facilitate the upgrade of county roads and bridges throughout the state of Oklahoma. Most of these clearances are addressed as categorical exclusions (CATEX) and involve requirements for technical and field activities...


Hobby Lobby Creative Centers

Environmental Due Diligence

For almost a decade, Guernsey has been assisting Hobby Lobby Creative Centers (Hobby Lobby) with environmental due diligence associated with acquisition and other real estate transactions for scores of facilities throughout the United States. These facilities generally include vacant land...