Watervliet Arsenal Energy Security and Resiliency Reconnaissance Study

Guernsey assessed the electric, water, and thermal utility systems, loads, and energy resources at the Arsenal. The study identifies the best life-cycle cost-effective projects required by the utility systems to comply with the Army's energy security and resiliency requirements, which state to provide energy and water to mission-critical facilities for 14 days and improve the resiliency of energy and water systems at the Arsenal.

Guernsey conducted a high-level condition assessment of the existing utility system and then developed an energy model of the Arsenal to identify energy needs during emergencies. These requirements are intended to ensure that the Arsenal has the resources to provide electricity and heat to all mission-critical facilities in an event of a commodity loss.

Based on the screening criteria, we concluded that providing electricity and heat backup to the entire Arsenal would be the most economical option financially for the Army.