SH-39 Roadway Design: Widen, Resurface and Bridge

The project is located on SH-39, beginning approximately 6.5 miles east of the Cleveland County Line and extending east 6.4 miles to US-177 in Asher, Pottawatomie County. The project includes widening and overlay of two lanes on the existing alignment, adding shoulders, and extending roadway-sized cross-drain structures. The design consists of replacing three of the four bridges, the bridge boxes, and the extension of one bridge. The road remained open during construction, with shoo-flys constructed north of the existing alignment. We corrected the existing vertical alignment where needed. Roadway design includes a 40-foot clear roadway with 12-foot wide lanes and two eight-foot-wide shoulders; an eastbound left-turn lane at the junction of the SH-102 south intersection; and an additional bridge located at the end of the project will need to be confirmed for hydraulics and the position of the headwalls as they relate to the clear zone.

Guernsey's design plans for the roadway included grading, drainage, surfacing and erosion control, right-of-way construction plans, topographical survey, geotechnical investigations, hydrology/hydraulics, engineers estimate, traffic plans, and structural design. Guernsey also prepared a 404 permit application and provided a list of required special provisions and an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Notice of Intent.