Utility Optimization: We can look before you leap.

The growing momentum for sustainable and renewable energy projects has driven aggressive action by private sector companies courting public commitment to qualifying projects. Many are presented as self-sustaining, but it’s not quite that simple. The economic viability of a project is typically based upon many interrelated assumptions that should be validated and tested for resiliency to changes in assumption. We provide independent assessment and validation to public sector clients that may be interested in pursuing these projects where cost is a significant consideration.

Our experience includes:

  • Energy Security and Resiliency
  • Energy Optimization
  • Utility Master Plans
  • Utility Condition Assessments
  • ESPC/UESC Support


Harnessing Data with Precision: Guernsey's Business Analytics Solutions

Guernsey's Energy and Utility Solutions group is at the forefront of data management and visualization, leveraging cutting-edge business analytics to revolutionize how organizations handle and interpret vast amounts of data...


Guernsey's Energy Alternatives Study for U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command

The U.S. Army was tasked with aligning the operations on Kwajalein Atoll with the Army Climate Strategy, aiming to achieve 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2030. The Atoll's remote location...


Fort Campbell Energy Security and Resiliency Assessment

Guernsey performed an energy security and resiliency (ESR) assessment of the electrical energy systems, loads, and energy resources of all the mission-critical facilities at Fort Campbell. The study identified the...


DoD Utility Privatization

Guernsey has been the leading utility privatization consultant to the Department of Defense for more than two decades. During that time, we’ve provided pre-award, post-award and program management support to...


Benefit-Cost Analysis - Biomass Boiler

Guernsey provided technical and economic consulting services to Fort Greely, Alaska (FGA) related to its utility systems. The owner of FGA’s privatized utility regularly proposes capital projects to meet the...


Energy Security and Resiliency

The constant provision of energy is critical to the operation of many entities, and with today’s evolving energy supply and demand, keeping up with a secure and reliable system can be difficult. We provide analysis of critical loads and identify...