Water Master Plan Study
Guernsey performed a Level I Water Master Plan Study for the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC).
This master plan study addressed inventorying system components and conditions, performing hydraulic modeling of the system, analyzing system adequacy to meet current and future needs, identifying needed future improvements, providing cost estimates, and identifying funding opportunities to implement the improvements identified. The plan also addressed water regionalization opportunities.
Guernsey developed a WaterCAD model from scratch. Information contained within Evansville’s GIS system was used to build a layout model of the existing system including pipe sizes and materials. The model was populated with additional network data (elevations, pipe roughness, pumps, pump curves, storage tanks etc.) and current demand data (taken from billing records) to produce a complete model of the existing system. Guernsey analyzed the system and prepared a Phase 1 Water Master Plan report which included findings and recommendations for improvements to the current system.
The options identified included expansion and specific upgrades to the existing water treatment plant or abandonment of the current system and purchasing water from Central Wyoming Regional Water System (CWRWS)