Air Handling Unit Coil Replacements

This project involved the replacement of the damaged air handling unit coils in Building 2280, Building 3001, and Building 3221.

Damaged preheat steam coils in two AHUs in Hangar Building 2280 were removed. Three damaged reheat and chilled water coils were removed from AHU #7 & #8 on the lower floor of Building 3001 and from AHU #7 on the upper floor of the building.

Damaged reheat and chilled water coils were removed from Building 3221 in five air handling units. Piping and valves within approximately five feet of the coils being replaced will be removed and replaced to existing shut off valves. The existing control valves and pneumatic actuators were replaced with new valves and DDC actuators.

The team also provided new electric damper actuators, low limit sensors, mixed air temperature sensors, supply and return air temperature sensors, fan motor start/stop, and connections to the existing DDC building controller.