Variety is pretty much a way of life around here: We go from big to small, local to national, public to private, but always keep it person-to-person – we just haven’t found a better way of building business than through building relationships. So get to know a little of our work, and then let’s get to know one another.
County & State Agencies
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- Structural Engineering
- Chemical/Process Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
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- Construction Management
- Cost Estimating
- Electric Utility Analysis
- Environmental Studies/Investigations
- Expert Witness/Testimony
- Owner's Engineer/Program Management
- Environmental Services
- Broadband Infrastructure Environmental Requirements
- Privatization
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Utility Infrastructure Strategy
- Utility Optimization
Oklahoma Department of...
Environmental Clearances for Local Government & County Improvements to Roads & Bridges
Most of these clearances are addressed as categorical exclusions (CATEXs) and involve requirements for technical and field activities including biological reviews, wetlands investigations, cultural resources reconnaissance studies, and agency/tribal interface. On non-federally funded environmental clearances, Guernsey works directly with the...
USACE, Tulsa...
Water Supply Feasibility Study
After the performance of preliminary characterization studies for the region’s counties, communities, and rural water districts (population, water supply and infrastructure, water quality), it was determined a detailed feasibility study was required to address regionalization of water supply, treatment, and...
USACE, Tulsa District
Phase II Master Plan and Reconnaissance
The Guernsey Team (included EDAW [now AECOM] and Alaback & Associates) prepared the Phase II Master Plan and Preliminary Reconnaissance for the Arkansas River Corridor through the Tulsa, OK metropolitan area. The Plan was developed in conjunction with the Vision...
Numerous Electric Cooperatives
Long-Range Planning Study
Guernsey has decades of experience in preparing these studies in accordance with RUS Bulletin 1724D-101A guidelines, ensuring sound engineering and economic analysis. Our long-range plans are client-specific and consider system operating voltage, substation requirements, transmission requirements, primary feeder requirements and...
Numerous Electric Cooperatives
Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN)
One special consideration of this project was that the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) must approve all new transmission lines one mile or longer prior to construction. A CCN application was submitted for approval, which included responses to questions...
National Association of...
NARUC Cyber Evaluation of Kentucky Distribution Cooperatives
In an effort designed to ensure that Kentucky distribution cooperatives that are not subject to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards are instituting risk-appropriate...
Oklahoma Air National Guard
Air Support Operations Squadron
The 138th Air Support Operations Squadron at Will Rogers Air National Guard Base is the training site for US Army mission requirements. When it was time to update the facility...
Oklahoma Department of...
Hazardous Material Survey
The Osage Power Plant was constructed in 1919, and owned and operated by OG&E, until it was purchased by Osage Properties in 1986. They began abatement activities one year later...
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