SH-54 Roadway Design: Widen and Resurface

The primary purpose of this project is to widen and overlay two lanes on the existing alignment, add shoulders, and extend cross-drain structures on SH-54, beginning approximately 11.8 miles north of the I-40 junction and extending north 4.8 miles to SH-33. The road remained open during construction. The design includes a 40-foot clear roadway with 12-foot wide lanes and two eight-foot wide shoulders. The intersection design at SH-54 and SH-33 increased the angle to at least 70 degrees.

Guernsey's roadway design plans included grading, drainage, surfacing and erosion control, right-of-way construction plans, topographical survey, geotechnical investigations, hydrology/hydraulics, engineer's estimate, traffic plans, and structural design.