Stillwater Transportation Enhancement Plan (STEP)
In addition to population growth within the City, there are a large number of commuters from neighboring communities who travel to and from the City on a daily basis for employment, shopping and educational purposes.
Guernsey and teaming partner Wilbur Smith Associates prepared a Transportation Enhancement Plan to identify current and future transportation needs and improvements within the community. The Plan evaluated the existing transportation system and identified needed improvements to accommodate projected growth and future travel demands within the area.
The plan included an implementation program which prioritizes improvements according to short- and long-term objectives of the study, and the feasibility of project implementation. These improvements included enhancement of the major intersections and integrated traffic signal system, roadway widening, right-of-way protection, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, intelligent traffic systems, and transit system improvements. Additionally, the plan identifies funding mechanisms to pay for the identified improvements.
The Plan also ensures the preservation of future corridors for transportation system development, as the need arises.