Long-Range Master Plan Development

Long-Range Master Plan Development

The Marine Corps Air Station, Iwakuni (MCASI), Japan site, which is expanding both geographically and in number of facilities, was working toward relocation of a carrier group from Tokyo as well as the deployment of a Joint Strike Fighter wing. This necessitated a rapid base expansion including a new flight line as well as the construction of approximately 150 new facilities.

Guernsey completed a two-part rapid response systems integration and utility master planning task at the MCASI.

Task 1 included:

  • Station-wide system integration study to address current use and future implementation of ESS, UMCS, FAS, MNS, and SCADA systems.
  • Survey of approximately 200 buildings, some mission critical, to determine specific system needs and existing implementation practices to project the need for these systems and identify the required design and implementation standards.

The final report of this effort presented building-by-building upgrade recommendations with budgetary cost estimates, concept design information for each of the systems and specific design and performance criteria, taken largely from applicable UFCs and UFGSs.

Task 2 included:

  • Accelerated utility master planning effort addressing potable water, wastewater, storm water, electrical power, and communications infrastructure. A series of collaborative working sessions with discipline specific Government of Japan (GOJ) counterparts were conducted to address the infrastructure needs necessitated by the station expansion.

Long-range planning results included upgrading the primary incoming electrical voltage from 66 kV to 110 kV, demolishing the existing 66/6.6 kV substation and replacing it with two interconnected 110 kV/6.6 kV substations, retaining the existing north side wastewater treatment plant and expanding the new south side wastewater treatment plant and designing concepts for a new multi-gigabit fiber backbone around the Station. Design standards were established for all systems.