DoD Utility Privatization

DoD Utility Privatization

Guernsey has been the leading utility privatization consultant to the Department of Defense for more than two decades. During that time, we’ve provided pre-award, post-award and program management support to more than 500 Department of Defense utilities throughout the continental United States and abroad, including steam, electric, natural gas, chilled water, water and wastewater. During the course of our engagement, Guernsey has been responsible for a minimum of five concurrent projects with respective fees averaging $400,000. Estimated professional fees to date exceed $65,000,000.

Services provided:

  • Program management
  • Contract transition and post-award support
  • Utility condition assessments and system inventories
  • GIS/CAD system maps
  • Site surveys
  • Evaluation of maintenance activities
  • Engineering cost estimation
  • System upgrade requirements
  • Regulatory/environmental documentation
  • Engineering reports and system data information
  • Technical libraries for bidder reference
  • Life-cycle cost analyses