


The Urban Design Response to a Pandemic

It's been just over six months since our lives changed in response to COVID-19. In those first days, then weeks, and now months, we've seen many think-pieces, Tweets, and LinkedIn...



How The Design Criteria Of The WELL Building Standard Promotes An Environment To Support Mental Health During A Global Pandemic

As we are coming off of a lengthy stay of working from home in close quarters with our loved ones and pets, I wanted to write this post to discuss...



The Patient’s Environment Matters – but so does yours!

We often hear about creating environments that are conducive for patient healing and patient satisfaction. With patients having greater choice regarding providers and systems, creating spaces that are centered on...


Federal Governmental Agencies

Recent Trends for DoD Construction Budgets

As the DoD construction budgets continue to decline, recent trends indicate many of these dollars will be dedicated to Facility Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM). The SRM program provides funds...