Environmental Studies/Investigations
We see a lot more than a site.
When considering the sale or purchase of property, potential owners should investigate possible environmental risks or liabilities. It is prudent to conduct a thorough environmental due diligence process prior to any property transaction. Our team of professionals routinely perform Environmental Site Assessments prior to purchase or sale, to help quantify and qualify future liabilities. Characterizing existing environmental conditions is vital. We address most environmental media including air, water, soil, hazardous materials/waste, and mold, and support our clients in the assessment of environmental programs (audits) and obtain permits for a variety of activities.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Planning/Clearances
Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Implementing the NEPA process provides a pathway for decision-making and project development. NEPA requires the characterization of numerous resource components (natural, physical, and social environment) in the development of an environmental impact analysis relating to a proposed action/project. Most commonly, NEPA actions are required for projects involving federal funding or federal actions. There are three types of NEPA documents:
- Categorical Exclusions (CE or CATEX)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Guernsey prepares all three document types for our clients. CATEX documents usually result in a clear definition that the project has no major impacts and is excluded from detailed analysis by the nature of the project – it is categorically excluded based on criteria set forth by a given federal agency. EAs require more detailed analysis and assist in determining if an EIS might be required; if not, EAs usually result in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). EISs are more complex, and rely on a focused specified process, extensive public involvement and a Record of Decision (ROD). Guernsey can provide assistance and business value in the accomplishment of all three types of project clearances.