Knowledge is Power Understanding Rates & Cost of Service Seminar Declares a Sold-Out Success

Guernsey is thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated “Knowledge is Power: Understanding Rates and Cost of Service” in-person seminar has officially sold out. The one-and-a-half-day event, tailored specifically for electric cooperatives, has garnered immense interest within the industry. The sold-out status underscores the growing demand for comprehensive educational resources in the field of electric cooperatives.

Guernsey, a leading provider of cost of service and rate analysis and at the forefront of electric cooperative consulting since 1936, looks forward to hosting forty (40) of our cooperative colleagues from across the nation on October 25-26th, 2023. Our course delves into the intricacies of revenue requirements, rates, cost of service, and line extension policies.

In a dynamic industry with shifting wholesale rate structures, heightened competition, and fluctuating interest rates, it is vital for the staff of cooperatives to have a comprehensive understanding of revenue generation at their organizations. Guernsey’s course is designed to equip teams with essential knowledge to foster better internal and external communications.

Cooperatives from ten (10) states including Hawaii, Utah, Texas, and Pennsylvania are registered to attend.

Guernsey is already planning future events to meet the ongoing educational needs of this dynamic industry. A VIRTUAL Cost of Service Seminar is being scheduled for February 2024.